Now, Discover Your Strengths is a great book.  This book, and its integrated Internet based StrengthsFinder Profile, helps identify what your 5 dominant themes/strengths are and helps you figure out how they can be best translated into personal and career success.
The premise of the book is that we spend most of our time trying to become more competent in areas that, on a scale of 1 – 10, we will never become more than a 5 or 6. We should be concentrating on those 5 dominant strengths that are identified for us through the Profile program. I found the book and profile very helpful for myself and also for my staff (it was required reading for every current employee and every new hire for my staff is required to read the book, each provides to me their profile). It gives me an immediate read on their strengths and also gives them something new to contemplate and work on. For while we might have a sense of what our strengths are, this brings them to “top of mind” status. In almost every instance everyone who receives their Profile says, “Yes, those are my strengths”. I have each staff member’s strengths mapped out on a grid for easy reference.
As a tool it allows me to know which account executive, if I know the culture of the company, may be right to sell into specific accounts.
I recommend it to all people interested in indentifying and building on their own strengths, and their staff’s strengths. I would like to think that this effort helps with Thermocopy’s endeavor to provide the best possible experience for our employees and our clients.
NOW, Discover Your Strengths
Now, Discover Your Strengths is a great book.  This book, and its integrated Internet based StrengthsFinder Profile, helps identify what your 5 dominant themes/strengths are and helps you figure out how they can be best translated into personal and career success.
The premise of the book is that we spend most of our time trying to become more competent in areas that, on a scale of 1 – 10, we will never become more than a 5 or 6. We should be concentrating on those 5 dominant strengths that are identified for us through the Profile program. I found the book and profile very helpful for myself and also for my staff (it was required reading for every current employee and every new hire for my staff is required to read the book, each provides to me their profile). It gives me an immediate read on their strengths and also gives them something new to contemplate and work on. For while we might have a sense of what our strengths are, this brings them to “top of mind” status. In almost every instance everyone who receives their Profile says, “Yes, those are my strengths”. I have each staff member’s strengths mapped out on a grid for easy reference.
As a tool it allows me to know which account executive, if I know the culture of the company, may be right to sell into specific accounts.
I recommend it to all people interested in indentifying and building on their own strengths, and their staff’s strengths. I would like to think that this effort helps with Thermocopy’s endeavor to provide the best possible experience for our employees and our clients.