This statement is especially true when it pertains to second-hand and decommissioned computers and phones. One study found that more than 71 percent of these devices on the secondary market contained personally identifiable information (PII). Hackers LOVE these devices!
We have started a new value-add business for our clients and prospects: Hard Drive Destruction Services. What follows is a short commercial about the service.
Why risk the reputation and financial well-being of your business by not safeguarding the private information of your customers, employees, and company.
Stay compliant by using Centriworks’ economic 2 stage hard drive destruction services.
Our NSA approved equipment:
- Will erase any magnetic media that fits into the drawer, including all standard hard drives (laptop, desktop, and server) and storage tapes (DLT, LTO, DDS/DAT, etc.).
- And then destroy all standard hard drives including SSD, Phones and other storage devices (such as memory chips & USB drives)
Our process for the destruction of confidential and sensitive data:
- Follows the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) guidelines,
- Meets US Department of Defense (DoD) and Defense Security Services (DSS) requirements for sanitizing unclassified data,
- And it provides compliance under regulations such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, GLBA, FACTA, etc.
We can pick up your devices, remove the hard drives (if required) and even make sure the parts and pieces are recycled.
One person’s trash is another person’s treasure!
This statement is especially true when it pertains to second-hand and decommissioned computers and phones. One study found that more than 71 percent of these devices on the secondary market contained personally identifiable information (PII). Hackers LOVE these devices!
We have started a new value-add business for our clients and prospects: Hard Drive Destruction Services. What follows is a short commercial about the service.
Why risk the reputation and financial well-being of your business by not safeguarding the private information of your customers, employees, and company.
Stay compliant by using Centriworks’ economic 2 stage hard drive destruction services.
Our NSA approved equipment:
Our process for the destruction of confidential and sensitive data:
We can pick up your devices, remove the hard drives (if required) and even make sure the parts and pieces are recycled.