Keep Knoxville Beautiful

Mark serves on the Board of Directors of Keep Knoxville Beautiful. Founded in 1978, KKB is an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful. Our mission is to promote a cleaner, greener, more beautiful community.

Keep Knoxville Beautiful was originally formed to help “clean up” prior to the 1982 World’s Fair, KKB plunged into community efforts to clean and beautify the community through its many programs. Adopt-A-Spot, Orchids and Onions, and School Pride programs paved the way for the organization to grow and the community to work together to accomplish the great idea of individual responsibility. The Greater Knoxville Beautification Board changed its name to Keep Knoxville Beautiful in 1997 as a part of nation-wide initiative involving all Keep America Beautiful affiliates.

Keep Knoxville Beautiful has continued to grow through the years and has enjoyed much success and acclamation winning 23 National Awards, 9 State Awards and one local award.